Parents of school-aged children and shifting gears from “distance-learning” to “summer break”. Most summer camps and internships are canceled. Vacations need to be adjusted or paused indefinitely. Use this guide to help with the transition. You can download the Envisioning Summer Planning Guide Handout as a worksheet and follow along as I share examples in the audio. If you need 1:1 support, contact me to schedule a personalized session.


Part 1: Reflection on “Distance Learning”

  1. What has been working for your children during this time of “distance learning”? What has worked for you and your family? 
  2. What are you thankful for “saying goodbye” to?
  3. What’s been working for you as a parent? What has helped you stay grounded and calm through these past several weeks? What has worked for you? 

Part 2: Envisioning Summer: A Planning Guide

  1. What are your “anchors” for the day?
  2. Identify patterns that work for your children.
  3. Communicate plans, expectations, and limits. What limits and expectations do you have?
  4. Brainstorm list of independent activities, guided/joint activities, and bigger projects. 
  5. Be flexible, be willing to adjust.