My Blog

What am I doing right?

What am I doing right?

What can you stop right now and acknowledge yourself for? I know I’m imperfect and I spend more time looking at my challenges, deficiencies, and flaws than I do at what I’m doing right! What I am doing well. I invite you to take a second and look. What are you doing...

From Toddler Terror to…

From Toddler Terror to…

Here’s a recent question I received from one of my readers, my response and the result: Mother’s question: “My daughter has exited her sweet baby phase. She’s been whiny, crying on a whim, throwing tantrums, and in some instances even grabbing me aggressively or...

Reflections on having a girl

Reflections on having a girl

Around the time I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I thought a lot about the potential gender. I thought I really wanted a boy. My experience with my nephews had been lots of fun, play, simplicity. When I thought about raising a girl, my thoughts were...

My morning a-ha moment

My morning a-ha moment

I had an a-ha moment this morning. One that now I look back on it, I think, “right…of course.” I woke up a little grouchy. First day of summer “break” and the kids are still up at 6:30am. No surprise; that’s how it is on the weekends too. I was preparing breakfast and...

Embracing the rain

Embracing the rain

My kids have so much to teach me. When I watch the weather forecast with imminent hurricanes, flash flood warnings, and torrential downpours, I start getting nervous. Not only do I think about how the weather is going to impact my weekend plans, but I also tense at...

Biking up the hill

Biking up the hill

We had a sweet morning bike ride to school this morning, cool(ish) spring air, just the two of us. Everything was going great until…the hill…and maybe a passing car or my bike. Whatever it was, something got in the way of my 3-year old getting to the top of the hill...


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