My Blog

Resisting the Urge to Punish

Resisting the Urge to Punish

Friday night at our house is often a movie night. This weekend was no different. Now, transitions can always be a little tricky for my youngest. Especially when transitioning from sitting still and engaging with a screen to going somewhere we want or need him to go....

Questions & Answers on Work-Life-Virtual School

Questions & Answers on Work-Life-Virtual School

This week I addressed the questions of working parents in an employer-scheduled webinar. Perhaps you have some of the same questions. I have condensed the responses due to the written format. Question: Our routines have been messed up since March. With school starting...

Repairing a Hole in the Wall

Repairing a Hole in the Wall

A hole in the wall is a figure of speech. It means a small bar or restaurant that is dingy and off the beaten path. This hole in the wall is not that. This is an obvious hole caused by an upset child in a public hallway of our home. This hole in the wall represents an...

Creating Anticipation

Creating Anticipation

One challenge of this summer has been the slog through #time soup. We have had so few markers of time. When looking ahead and behind, the days and weeks blur together in one continuous smear. At some point early in the quarantine, our family decided to plan a short...


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